Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Cara Instalasi Joomla

Instalasi Joomla

Persiapan sebelum melakukan instalasi Joomla

1. Ekstrak file Joomla 1.0.3 ke folder C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\Joomlaku.
2. Aktifkan Apache Server, PHP, dan MySQL. Jalankan aplikasi XAMPP yang telah terinstal dan tekan tombol Start pada Apache dan MySql hingga tombol Start berubah menjadi Stop. Kalau tidak bisa, coba Anda non-aktifkan IIS atau Personal Web Server Anda.

Setelah semua telah disiapkan, mari kita mulai instalasi Joomla. Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

1. Buka web browser dan ketik http://localhost/Joomlaku. Web Anda akan menampilkan tampilan seperti di gambar ini.
2. Pastikan semua persyaratan instalasi terpenuhi dan tekan tombol Next>> untuk melanjutkan.
3. Di halaman ini akan ditampilkan perjanjian yang harus Anda patuhi jika ingin menggunakan Joomla. Tekan tombol Next>> untuk melanjutkan.
4. Masukkan konfigurasi database MySQL.

Keterangan konfigurasi database MySQL:
* Host Name, nama host name, biasa diisi dengan localhost
* MySQL User Name, username yang digunakan untuk mengakses MySQL, biasa diisi root atau username yang disediakan web hosting Anda
* MySQL Password, password yang digunakan untuk mengakses MySQL, gunakan password untuk keamanan web Anda.
* MySQL Database Name, nama database untuk Joomla.
* MySQL Table Prefix, awalan yang digunakan untuk tabel database Anda.

Bila sudah diisi semua lanjutkan dengan klik tombol Next>>. Sesaat kemudian akan muncul pesan yang meminta konfirmasi konfigurasi yang telah Anda masukkan. Bila semua sudah benar, tekan tombol OK.
5. Di halaman ini Anda diminta memberi nama web Anda. Berilah nama dan tekan tombol Next>> untuk melanjutkan.
6. Silahkan lakukan konfirmasi URL, direktori absolut, e-mail admin dan direktori chmods. Masukkan alamat e-mail dan password untuk admin anda. Tekan Next>>.
7. Selamat Anda telah berhasil melakukan instalasi Joomla Jangan lupa untuk menghapus direktori installation di direktori Joomla Anda.

Halaman Web dan Administrator

Setelah berhasil melakukan instalasi mari kita coba mengakses web Joomla.

1. Kunjungi web Joomla Anda di alamat http://localhost/joomlaku/. Jika Anda belum menghapus direktori installation di direktori Joomla Anda maka web Anda dan web administrator akan menampilkan pesan peringatan.
2. Kunjungi web Joomla Anda di alamat http://localhost/joomlaku/administrator.
3. Login dengan username ‘admin’ dan password admin Anda.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Perbandingan Microsoft Word 2007 dan Microsoft Word 2003

Barangkali program microsoft word adalah program yang paling tersohor di indonesia. Secara setiap hari jutaan orang menggunakan program ini dalam memudahkan pekerjaan dibidang menulis, dari anak anak sampai orangtua sekarang sudah dapat memanfaatkan program ini (sepertinya era mesin tik sudah berakhir :p)

banyak juga sekarang orang mencari penghasilan dari program ini. Sebut saja seperti jasa pengetikan dan kursus mengetik untuk anak anak dan orangtua.
oke, cukup basa basinya. di tulisan saya kali ini saya akan membahas beberapa perbedaan antara microsoft office 2003 dengan 2007. seri ms. office tersebut adalah yang sekarang lazim kita temukan. ada yang beranggapan bahwa office 2007 lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya. Memang sudah jelas program diperbaharui untuk meningkatan performa dan kualitas, tapi ada juga yang enggan beralih ke 2007 dan masih setia di 2003 karena beranggapan office 2007 lebih rumit, berbeda dan sudah terbiasa menggunakan office 2003.
ms word 2007
secara umum perbedaan yang kita jumpai antara kedua jenis program diatas adalah
• file hasil produksi ms word 2007 defaultnya berformat .docx , dimana format tersebut tidak bisa dieksekusi (cieh bahasanya) atau dibaca oleh ms word 2003 yang defautlnya .doc
namun word 2007 bisa membaca format .doc, dan .docx
• terdapat smartart di ms word 2007, smartart adalah semacam kumpulan template grafis yang mudah digunakan, sedangkan di 2003 belum ada
• tampilan menu 2007 sudah lebih banyak ke kumpulan toolbar (ribbon)
• di 2007 ada tombol bulat di pojok kiri atas yang sebagian besar gunanya menggantikan fungsi menu File, yang disebut office button
• ada quick access toolbar di 2007 dan belum ada di 2003
• jika kita menyimpan file .doc di office 2007 ukurannya akan lebih kecil dibanding .docx
Meskipun tak terlalu lengkap . Dan terlalu jelas. Atau dengan kata lain di bawah ini adalah langkah-langkah untuk mengoprasikan Ms. Word 2007 .
Perhatikanlah langkah di bawah .
1. Membuka Ms. Word 2007 tidak jauh berbeda dengan 2003. Mulanya juga berada di dalam h Ms. Office
2. Toolbar-toolbal pada Ms. Word 2007 seperti HOME, INSERT, PAGE LAYOUT, VIEW sama dengan toolbar-toolbar pada Ms. Word 2003 ,hanya saja ada beberapa toolbar yang tak ada pada Ms.word 2003 ada pada Ms.word 2007
3.menu B, I, U , jenis tulisan, ukuran huruf, pemberian warna pada huruf, dll ada pada tampilan menu HOME sedangkan yang pada Ms. Word 2003 adalah berada diluar menu HOME.
4. Pada tampilan menu INSERT, menu picture, clipart,dll dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar dengan ukuran yang sedikit besar dan berwarna yang membuat tampilannya kelihatan sedikit menarik dibandingkan tampilannya pada Ms.word 2003.
5. Pada menu PAGE LAYOUT ,. Disinilah tempat untuk mengatur kertas .mulai dari ukuran, membuat columns, jarak spasi, warna kertas ,dsb.
6. menu REFERENCES .Menu ini tidak ada pada Ms. Word 2003. Di menu ini yang dijelaskan adalah berbagai menu untuk memudahkan cara membuat daftar pustaka , daftar isi atau sebagainya..
7. Menu MAILINGS. Pada menu ini yang terlihat dapat dipergunakan hanya 3 menu. Padahal jika sudah ingin di pergunakan , ke 4 menu tersebut terlihat tak dapat dipergunakan karena akan muncul kata-kata yang tidak dapat di mengerti.
8. Menu REVIEW adalah menu yang dapat dipergunakan untuk melihat, mencari dan memberikan comment atau dapat juga dipakai untuk memberikan efek english.
9. Menu VIEW . Menu ini di gunakan untuk melihat ketikan yang dibuat secara besar (zoom) .dan sebagainya.
Penjelasan tentang toolbar–toolbar di atas, hanya berdasarkan yang saya lihat. Karena sebenarnya Ms. Word 2007 agak lebih rumit cara mengoprasikannya dari pada cara mengoprasikan pengolah kata yang terlebih dahulu telah kita kenal yaitu Ms. Word 2003.
Di bawah ini adalah penjelasan tambahan tentang Ms. Word 2007. Penjelasan yang bila di perhatikan perbedaan tersebut juga terdapat di Ms. Word 2003. Tetapi beda.
Toolbar-toolbar pada Ms. Word 2007 juga tidah seperti pada Ms.word 2003. Toolbars pada Ms. Word 2007 di kelompokkan sesuai kategorinya masing-masing .( perhatikan nomor-nomor pada gambar)
Kelebihan software Microsoft Office Standard 2007 :
Banyak fitur yang mudah untuk dieksplorasi, seperti aplikasi Word yang menjadi tool dasar desktop publishing, formula Exceln yang mudah untuk direferensikan, presentasi PowerPoint yang lebih atraktif, improvisasi management task dan waktu di Outloook , improvisasi integrasi semua aplikasi, format file yang baru untuk mencegah adanya corrupt file, keamanan dokumen yang lebih bisa diandalkan.
Kekurangan :
Perubahan desain yang drastic memerlukan pembelajaran yang baru ketika upgrading, interface baru yang terkadang menjadi rumit, user yang menggunakan Office 2003 harus menginstal konverter untuk membuka file Office 2007, tidak ada jalan aman ketika bekerja di web.
Microsoft Office Standard 2007 mempersembahkan perbedaan interface yang drastic dan format file yang baru. Office baru ini tampak berbeda dari versi sebelumnya. Office Standard 2007 ini juga memiliki tool konversi yang memudahkan user untuk membuka file default Office 2007, yakni file Open XML. Microsoft Office Standard 2007 juga memberikan tool untuk mengatur language dan gambar, termasuk tool untuk digunakan jika terjaci crash. Untuk upgrade software ini berkisar antara harga $399, atau untuk edisi Enterprise senilai $679.
Untuk prose instalasi hanya membutuhkan waktu 15 menit, karena software Microsoft Office Standard 2007 ini lebih kecil dibandingkan edisi sebelumnya. Tidak seperti system operasi Vista, Office ini tidak memerlukan hardware yang terbaru. Office 2007 ini dapat bekerja di hardware yang sama dengan system Windows XP atau Windows Server 2003.
Spesifikasi hardware minimum yang dibutuhkan adalah :
• System operasi : Microsoft Windows XP SP2 atau di atasnya, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 atau di atasnya
• Software : Internet Explorer 6.0 atau di atasnya
• Processor : 500 MHz , 500 MHz
• RAM : 256MB atau di atasnya
• Peripheral : CD-ROM , XGA monitor
• Harddisk : 1.5 GB atau di atasnya

Minggu, 08 November 2009



Pronoun : i-we ; you-you ; he,she,it-they
Regular : book-books ; party-parties ; self-selves
Irregular : child- children ; mouse- mice
Uncountable : water-water ; news-news

Put the sentences into Plural
Example : a child is a boy or girl
Children are boys or girls

1 . A dog is an animal
2. A potato is vegetable
3. he is a student
4. I am doing my homework
5. he was studying when I came
6. she herself writes the letter
7. A business consist of an operation
8. she performs a service by answering a question
9. what is the difference between you & me ?
10. his friend is also my friend
11. the student has almost finished doing it
12. has she ever been studying abroad?
13. The earthquake cause a great disaster
14. does he understand the lesson ?
15. there is a boy & girl in the class.

Answer :
1. dogs are animal
2. potatoes are vegetables
3. we are students
4. we are doing our homework
5. they are studying
6. the them herself writer the letter
7. business consist of operation
8. they perform services by answering Question
9. what are difference between you & us ?
10. they friend a also our friend
11. the students have almost finished doing them
12. have they ever been studying abroad
13. the earthquake cause great disaster
14. do they understand the lesson?
15. they are boys & girls in the class.

Marketing means

1.Marketing means : The movement of goods & service from manufactures to costumers & to achives the companies objectives.

2.Marketing includes : buying, selling, market resource, transportation storage & advertising.

3.The four P’s are : products, price, placement, promotion they are the four P’s marketing.

4.Product refers to : the goods / services that the company want to sale.

5.Product element includes : refers & development of a new product, research of the potential market, testing of the product to insure quality & the introducing to the market.

6. price is : the mount of money to change for its product. There are three pricing option : above, below, & with the market.

The price is above the market if company change for it’s product above the average price. It is below the market if it changes less than the average price. It is with the market if it charges the same with the average price.

Price leader are producers who establish the average price.

Placement involves getting the product to the costumers. A common chanel of distribution is : Manufacture – wholesaler – retailer –costumers.

Promotion is communication about the product that takes place between buyer & sellers.

There are two major ways promotion occurs : through personal selling, as in a department store ; & through advertising, as in a newspaper or magazine.

The four main elements of making ( product, price, placement, promotion ) work together to develop successful marketing operation that satisfies costumers & achives the company’s objectives.

Minggu, 01 November 2009


• General manager * Researcher * Bookkeeper
• Personnel manager * Advertiser * Private accounting
• Production manager * seller *Government accounting
• distributor

* Banker * Computer operator
* financial analyst * Computer programmer
*Stockbroker * System analyst

Macth With The Term Above
1. An employ who was the most responsible in an organization
2. A specialist in analyzing the system for the computer
3. The chief of the department whose job to get the products to the costumers
4. A specialist in writing and keeping financial information
5. In between businessman in the stock exchange
6. one who owns the bank
7. An employee whose job is to operate the machine
8. The head of the department whose function is to negotiate with the employees
9. An employee whose job is to carry out a study.
10. A special in interpreting financial data who receives fee.
11. Specialist analyzing financial data.
12. The chief of manufacturing department of a company.
13. The chief of manufacturing department of company
14. A person whose job is to carry out sale promotion.
15. An accountant who works with a private company.
16. Specialist in fields of writing the software for the computer.
17. Specialist in the fields of accounting who works with government bureau.

Answer :
1. System analyst
2. general manager
3. Distributor
4. bookkeeper
5. stockbroker
6. Banker
7. Computer operator
8. Personnel manager
9. Researcher
10. Public accountant
11. Financial analyst
12. Production manager
13. Buyer
14. Advertiser
15. Private accountant
16. Computer programmer
17. Government accountant

Conditional Clause

• Future possible : Present simple – present future
If you do not understand the problem, I will explain
• Present unreal : Past simple – past future
• Past unreal : Past perfect – past future

Example :
1. If he (not get) here soon, we (have) to leave without him
a. If he does not get here soon, we will have to leave without him
b. If he did not get here soon, we would have to leave without him
c. If he leave not got here soon, would had to leave without him

2. If you (not watch) your diet,(you become) sick
a. If you do not watch your diet, you will became sick
b. If you did not watch your diet, you would become sick
c. If you had not watched, you would have become sick

3. We (miss our bus) if we (not leave) right way
a. we will miss our bus, if we would not leave right way
b. we would miss our bus, if we did not leave right way
c. we would had miss our bus, if we had not leave right way

4. If the weather (be) very good, we (take) the rain
a. if the weather is very good, we will take the rain
b. if the weather were very good, we would the rain
c. if the weather had been very good, we would have taken

5. You (lose) the money if you (not put) it in a safe place
a.You will lose the money if you do not put it in a safe place
b. you would lose the money if you didn’t put it in a safe place
c. you would have lose the money if you had not put it in a safe place

6. If she (have) financial troubles she (ask) her father to help her
a. if she has financial troubles she will ask her father to help her
b. if she had financial troubles she would ask her father to help her
c. if she had had finacial troubles she would asked her father to help her

7. If I (not be) so busy, I (go) for a walk by the sea
a. if I is not so busy, I will go for a walk by the sea
b. If I were so busy, I would go for a walk by the sea
c. If I had not been so busy, I would have gone for walk by the sea

8. They (still be) missing at the sea if a passing freighter (not spot) them
a. they are still missing at the sea if passing freighter didn’t spot them
b. they would be still missing at the sea if freighter didn’t spot them
c. they had been still missing at the sea if freighter had not spoted

9. she (be) angry if you (not call) her as soon as possible
a. she will be angry if you do not call her as soon as possible
b. she were angry if you did not cal her as soon as possible
c. she would angry if you had not called her as soon as possible

10. the children (still be) in park if their mother (not come)
a. the children will be in park if their mother does not come
b. the children would be In park if their mother did not come
c. the children would have been in park if thei mother had not come

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Based on story you listened to, answer the Question

  1. What was the time of the day, when they set out for the next town?
  2. How far was the next town from the village, according to the map?
  3. Where was the next town situated?
  4. Were they that would find a bed for the night in the next town?
  5. Did darkness fall soon after they left the village?
  6. Were they lucky not meet anyone as they were driving along the road that led?
  7. How did they drive?
  8. How was the road?
  9. Did it become colder as they climber higher?
  10. Why was it difficult to see the road?
  11. Did the story teller drive the car?
  12. How far had they traveled when the car suddenly stop?
  13. Why did the car stop?
  14. What kind the car stop?
  15. Who was a poor did they bring?
  16. What did John do to kill the the time?
  17. What did John see from the top of the hill?
  18. What did they do before they push the car?
  19. Why could the car run without petrol?
  20. How long did it take to reach the town?

Answer :

  1. It was late in the afternoon
  2. The next town, was 50 minutes fron the village according to the map
  3. The next town was situated
  4. we were sure that we would find a bed for the night in the next town
  5. darkness fell soon after we leftthe village
  6. we were lucky not to met
  7. we were driving swiftly
  8. it became cloudy and winding
  9. because the rain began to fall
  10. it was difficult, because the rain began fall
  11. no, he didn’t
  12. we had traveled 20miles away then we suddenly stop
  13. because it empty our petrol
  14. biscuit and chocolate
  15. John
  16. walking to the top of hill
  17. John saw lights of the town in the village below
  18. we unloaded the road
  19. because the road down to hill
  20. in quarter of the hour

  1. the story teller asked John to drive slowly because rain began to fall
  2. John went for a walk because poor sleep
  3. “I saw lights of the below the hill” said John after he had run back to the car
  4. The unloaded the machine so that it would be easier to push it to the top of the hill
  5. They would have spent the night in the car if john had not to seen the light of the town